Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Circle Of Life: Personal Fashion

Images by Ben Taylor 

Romper: Retarded Velvet [Borrowed] 

When you have such a baby like onesie for an outfit you would think fun! Well my twisted mind thought grandfather! I can't and won't even try to explain. Just what happens in my brains most of the times so deal with it. lol. 

But yeah, it just seemed like a cool "Circle of Life" idea. Pairing this onesie with an old man mask completing the cycle from a child to an old man and the in between stage of being an "over grown child". I think that defines the way I would like to look at life, all the time. Threw the eyes of a child. Simply. Not over-think, not over complicate, just do what my heart desires and just be. Cuteness, I say. 

PS: My Closet sale was fantastic. I made more than a decent amount and I am thankful beyond count to all who came to it! Sincerely. 
I love you guys more than you will ever know.


  1. Very cool concept! Love how it is a bit freaky, so appropriate for this month

  2. Wow! You are seriously super-creative!

  3. I'm glad I didn't see this before going to bed.



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